Spinach Salad Georgia

The salad creates a good combination of flavors -- the sweetness of canned peaches the texture of the peanuts with the salt of the ham.  It makes a great dinner salad with a roll and then enough room for a heavy dessert.

Spinach Leaves
Peanuts, salted
Canned Peaches Slices
Deli Style Honey Ham
    shaved or cut into strips
Red wine Vinegar
Sour Cream

Arrange greens, peach slices, ham and peanuts on plate. Mix syrup of peaches with vinegar, a spoonful of sour cream and salt & pepper to taste. (Be sure to taste this and adjust the qualities -- there should be and element of sweetness, sourness, saltiness and a spice of pepper. Serve with dressing on the side.


 2010  Nathan Krämer  Blair, Nebraska   http://www.nathankramer.com/cookbook/