Fruit Cake
1 pound flour
1 pound butter
1 pound sugar
1/4 pound candied orange peel
3 pounds seeded raisins
2 pounds currants
1 pound figs
1 pound dates
1 pound cooked prunes
1 pound walnuts, shelled
1 pound candied cherries
1 dozen eggs
1 tablespoon allspice
1 tablespoon cloves
1 tablespoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 pint brandy
1 cup molasses
1 glass plum or currant jelly
2 1/2 teaspoons soda
Make the same as any other cake. Put in loaf pans lines with oiled paper. Bake 2 1/2 hours in slow oven. Decorate top with nuts and maraschino cherries or a thin icing. This should be made two or three weeks before using. Makes about 15 pounds of fruit cake.
 2010  Nathan Krämer  Blair, Nebraska